Monday, 11 July 2011

Wedding Dress

After being approached to create a unique and different wedding dress I designed and made the dress and jacket below. Working with the bride-to-be through both these stages was a great experience. The detailing was a joy to create and I look forward to working on more projects of this kind. As it was the first dress I have been asked to create I was able to work for a discounted price in order to keep within the clients budget.

I will upload professional images after the wedding!

Frankensteins Bride - Wedding Dress

The beginning of my work with wedding dresses:

Friday, 12 November 2010


Currently I'm studying tailoring and designing/making a costume for the Prince of Wales for the Madness of King George. I've gone for a gothic theme whilst sticking to the basic principles of 18th century tailoring. Below is the design for this piece. When it's finished I'll upload some more photos.

Film Project - Doppelganger

The basic plot of the film for this collaborative project was creation taking over creator. A girl creates a mannequin in the image of her distorted view of humanity and this mannequin comes to life, overpowering her, and eventually killing her. I collaboratively designed the costumes for the girl and the puppet come to life and did the final illustrations for this (below). I personally made the costume for the puppet come to life (far below). The 5minute film can be seen here:

Three designs for the puppet followed by one for the girl:

the girl

After the film was made as part of our course we then took the basic script and could interpret it as we wish. I took a more surreal approach and below is one of the designs I did for one of the new 'creations':


I made my first corset about three years ago using instructions from the internet ad garden wire. More came after using similar techniques and whilst they looked and worked great it was short-lived as my home-spun materials would cause a problem.

Below is my first corset made with all the correct pieces and in the traditional way:

Alice through the Looking Glass

A first year university project based solely on design. I was inspired by the theatre production of the Lion King and surrealist art for this project. I liked being able to explore as many avenues as possible in this project and loved being able to work with the narrative and background of the characters as well as the costumes.

The piece was intended for theatre and my inspiration for all centered around the idea of crumbling paint and aged fabrics and materials. This was to give the impression that this had been a lost world for some time until alice stumbled upon it.

The White Queen:

The performer is not behind the mask here, she is hold the mask up by a rod that can be rotated to change emotion. The piece is inspired by the chess piece described in the text rather than embodying it.

The White Knight:
The white knight is also inspired by its chess piece. The back of the horse is made like a spring to highlight the clumsiness (yet not ruin the costume) when the character falls over and 'of his horse' as he does in the text.

The White Paper Man:

It began by just wanting his suit to be made of old newspapers and letters but ultimately his face became paper too in the design.